Looking for a daily update on creating the wealth of your dreams? Do you want property investment explained in a simple language? Do you want to learn it whilst sipping on your coffee? Then you’re in the right place! Join me for a daily coffee and chat about all things wealth. With a strong focus on real estate wealth, you’ll cut through the confusion and overwhelm that stops most people in their investment tracks. For the live edition of the episode, where I can answer your questions live, join me on Facebook
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Five Weeks Vacant in a Low Vacancy Rate Market
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
In this Wealth Coffee Chats episode, Cass explores a case study of a property that remained vacant for five weeks despite the low vacancy rate in the area. The property owner raised the rent to recover an $8,000 special levy but priced the property above market value, which led to a prolonged vacancy. Cass highlights the importance of pausing to analyse data, setting competitive pricing, and promoting the property effectively. Let's hear from him and Let’s Wealth Coffee Chat!